Thursday, July 22, 2010

toxic waste lawsuit

I read an article which explained how a company from the European Union was caught dumping waste along the Ivory Coast. The dumping of the hazardous material caused death to 15 people and has severely caused havoc for the ecological setting along the coast. The Company claims to have not known how dangerous the material was. The material caused injury to thousands of people along the coast.
The case has resulted in 210 million dollars being paid to the Ivory Coast goverment and to settle lawsuits between deceased families and the company.

I chose this article because I think it ties in to the BP oil spill in the gulf. The environment is a precious thing; yet, companies continue to ignore laws and recommendations in the pursuit of saving money. I hope someday the waterways and oceans are more patrolled to reduce the number of spills and water contamination in order to make our world a better place.

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